Fundraiser - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In 2019, our founders mom, Jenny, was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. While she didn't lose her hair undergoing treatment, many patients around her did. She noticed many of the free wigs donated weren't suitable for younger patients and she began sourcing and donating wigs to a local St. Louis cancer center. 

While our founder, Mackenzie, has been in Europe, Jenny designed a BRAND NEW colorway - CARNATION PINK of our Classic Oyster Earrings and proposed an idea to Mackenzie!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month we have curated a collection that 20% of the proceeds of each style will benefit donating stylish wigs to the local cancer center in St. Louis, MO.

Hair is such a big part of our identity. It provides us with protection and belonging. Even temporarily losing your hair, during such a turbulent time in life, can make or break the good or bad days of treatment and healing.

Additionally, we send all of our love and energy to families struggling through cancer as ours once did and hope our contribution can bring some joy into their lives. 

With all our Love, 


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